Ko Wai Au? Who am I?
Ko Terangihaukaha te maunga Terangihaukaha is my mountain
Ko Tangonge te roto Tangonge is my lake
Ko Tinana te waka Tinana is my canoe
Ko Te Rarawa te iwi Te Rarawa is my tribe
Ko Te Rarawa te marae Te Rarawa is my meeting house
Ko Ngāti te Ao te hapū Ngāti te Ao is my subtribe
Ko Tomoana te tangata Tomoana is my ancestor
Ko Tipene te whānau Tipene is my family
Ko Louisa ahau I am Louisa
Tihei mauri ora! Blessings for a long life!

Louisa is a communications specialist with over 25 years experience in publicity, marketing, media and tourism. Of Māori and Samoan descent, she was born in Aotearoa NZ and moved overseas as a child. In 2013, she returned to her homeland after almost three decades living away.
She is on an epic journey to reconnect with her land, culture and people. Her mission is to use her personal and professional global experiences to empower Māori and Pacific creatives and entrepreneurs.
Her superpower is being a connector - connecting tourists with new lands and brands with audiences.
She is a busy mother of three grown children and a grandmother of three beloved treasures. She is a passionate and experienced tour guide, filmmaker, singer, dancer and publicist.
Her aim is to create a better world for her glorious grandkids - who deserve the very best!